Several months ago I ambitiously decided to organize a Thanksgiving dinner for the American Rhodes Scholars. After being chided as a jingoist, the event grew to include all interested Rhodes Scholars, which at the end of the day was very nearly 100 people. I wasn't foolish enough to take this on alone, so I roped Sarah Miller into doing all the hard work. After a fair bit of stress and a full day in the kitchen, we managed to prepare a pretty darn good meal with all of the real 'murican favorites - rolls, cornbread, green salad, mac 'n cheese, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, sweet potato and marshmallow casserole, quiche (for the vegetarians), stuffing, cranberry sauce, and of course turkey (9 turkey breasts and 3 whole turkeys). As always, the football game was good fun (and the Rhodies won).