Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our House is a Very Very Very Fine House

I don't know that I officially shared my plans to stay in Oxford for a second year. There was some uncertainty since I am anxious to start my PhD program before I go gray. Luckily, my blonde hair fools me into thinking I have plenty of time. My course of study has been officially changed to a 2 year M.Sc. by Research in Theoretical Chemistry. It's a pretty sweet deal since right now I still have a lot of time to read whatever I want (a little stat mech, some field theory, and more complex analysis for those interested).

An even sweeter deal is that I have found a place to stay next year. My room this year is conveniently in the middle of the City Centre, but unfortunately there is no common space (aside from the kitchen and bathroom) in my house. Since Univ (my College) kicks me out to far away housing next year anyways, I decided to get a house with a few of my close friends. This way I will have a much homier place, complete with a nice kitchen and living room. This past week, Ben, Scott, Clara, and I succeeded in securing a place for next year. It's pretty exciting. We got a four bedroom flat that's probably about a mile outside of City Centre down the Cowley Road. It's a pretty vibrant area of town, and with a bike it isn't far at all. Plus, the flat is right next to the best grocery store.


Mason said...

They're all very very very fine Houses. (Sorry but somebody had to write this. I assume it was expected.)

gina said...
