Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Over the last week or so I've scored a few awesome deals. My new place is next door to the grocery store, so I can poke my head in at the end of the day and buy the spoiling food for dirt cheap. Usually it just means a loaf of bread for 10 or 15 pence, but one night I hit the jackpot.
80 pence for all of this

Though I've snagged some impressive deals in my time, nothing comes close to the most recent addition to my room. The other day Clara shot me an email ordering me to check out her department's dumpster. I reluctantly investigated, expecting to find a pile of rocks or a toilet brush. Instead I was met by this beauty:

She had to spend a few days in a garage at Rhodes House then in the hallway of a friend's place before I finally managed to get her down the Cowley Road. A surprising number of people stopped to stare as three of my friends and I passed by with her on our shoulders. The three of us from nerd schools (MIT and Caltech) didn't see what was so special about the sight, but apparently Oxonians aren't used to resourcefulness.


Rebecca Gingrich said...

1) I wouldn't trust that meat...
2) Awww you have the pillow I made you!
3) I'm glad you could get the chalkboard to your room.

Melis said...

Yea, I agree with your sister, that meat looks suspicious. I'm glad that you gave up on technological solutions to the chalkboard transportation problem.

Natalya said...

That's the normal price for that meat up here in Edinburgh. But sure, I won't rain on your parade. Enjoy the meat.

kangway said...

Show me what you have done with that beautiful blackboard, you crazy boy, you.