Working Dynamical Systems: A geometric viewpoint of quantum mechanics and the semiclassical limit
by Tom Mainiero (UT Austin ) in RLM 10.1764:00 pm Wednesday, October 29, 2008
We present a viewpoint of quantum mechanics that reveals its underlying geometry and renders it (in some sense) a special case of classical mechanics. Using this viewpoint we describe the semiclassical limit and the resulting fiber bundle structure. This construction allows us to "imbed" the classical phase space into our quantum system, shows the semiclassical limit may not be global, and presents us with a picture of how certain quantum symmetries can "break" and lead to chaotic classical dynamics.
Good luck Tom. Nobody will know what the hell you're talking about, so feel free to make stuff up if you get flustered. I want you to know that I don't regularly read Todd's blog, he emailed me and told me to read it today. Please believe me.
Good luck on the talk Tom! Haha, I am a little disappointed that it's not actually on TBA (you got my hopes up), but I assume it will include an in-depth coverage of the miniature Grecian scholar punchcard process. That subject is so hot right now.
You actually have a blog...HAHAAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAA.
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