Monday, February 9, 2009

Middle of Term

Well it should now be clear that I'm in the middle of term based on my infrequent posting and lack of travels. I'm not particularly busy like I was at Tech, but somehow the daily routine seems unworthy of comment. I go to a lecture or two, read a little, tinker around with some code, cook dinner, then read a bit more. It's a good routine, just not one that makes for riveting blog posts.

We have had some notable weather as of late. A few recent mornings I awoke to a blanket of snow, but now the snow has just morphed into cold rain. It's a good thing I dropped 15 quid on a sturdy umbrella.

Now for some pseudo-random good things that have happened lately.

1. I will soon be purchasing a new camera thanks to an insurance check.

2. I couldn't find an alfredo sauce in the grocery store tonight, so I tried to whip up a white sauce from scratch. It actually worked fairly well. Thanks Tom Mannion.

3. I shared some good food and good jazz with my friend Andrew Hammond tonight.

4. I'll be visiting the States in late March and early April. I have a conference in the San Francisco area, but I'm also going to swing visits to Missouri and Pasadena.

5. I've discovered an earth-shattering result. It looks as if a 2d Ising Model has a phase transition. I bet no one's ever noticed this before.

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