Friday, May 1, 2009


I've known some people who seem to think that pole-vaulting is an impressive skill. They've tried to convince me that it's actually difficult. Today I uncovered the truth about their "sport." It's easy.

Clara claims to be an expert pole-vaulter, so I let her accompany me as a witness of my awesomeness. She tells me that I'm a natural. I think the photos make that obvious.

Naturally the photo prompts a few questions.

1) Todd, why are your legs so beautiful?

I use copious amounts of sunscreen on my legs. Skin cancer is no laughing matter.

2) Todd, how are you so good?

Like most things in life, my success is a direct result of the fact that my momma read lots of books to me when I was a kid.

3) Wow, are you really clearing 13 feet?


After I showed them how it's done, Clara and Andrew "Stobo" Sniderman attempted to match my feat.

One of these people is an "expert" and the other was vaulting for his/her first time. Which is which? I bet you can't even tell, which just shows how easy it is.

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